Volumes I.    Number  4    October 2018    Year 2018
Authors Title Pages
René Berta, Ladislav Lukáč Influence of Ash Ring on Lime Rotary Kiln Operation 74-77
Marcel Fedák, Andrej Kulikov, Milan Abraham Using a Tracker Rotation System with Flat Collectors to Increase System Efficiency 78-82
Jozef Husár, Angelina Iakovets Plant Simulation as a Tool for Simulations Energy Drawings of Machines 83-86
Dušan Puškár, Michal Puškár, Ján Lumnitzer Increasing the Performance Characteristics of the Experimental Engine by Using the Adjustment of its Planting System and Burning Crew 87-94

Pages 74-77


Influence of Ash Ring on Lime Rotary Kiln Operation


René Berta, Ladislav Lukáč


This paper describes influence of ash ring on operation of lime rotary kiln in terms of process and energy consumption. Individual influences were described from perspective of combustion and change of process parameters from optimal parameters to limit operational conditions. Paper describes influence of ash ring formation on thermal energy balance during kiln operation from point of total thermal balance.


Berta René, Lukáč Ladislav: Influence of ash ring on lime rotary kiln operation, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation Volume I, Nr.4 (2018), p. 74-77, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2018/01/04/0074

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Pages 78-82


Using a Tracker Rotation System with Flat Collectors to Increase System Efficiency


Marcel Fedák, Andrej Kulikov, Milan Abraham


To achieve optimal capture of solar energy and its use by collectors, it is essential that they are directed in a suitable direction to capture a substantial amount of sunlight. This paper deals with the issue of the energy gain of thermal flat collectors with usage of the collector field rotation and its comparison with the system with the conventional method of fixed collector placement.


Fedák M. et. all: Using a tracker flatbed collector system to increase system efficiency , Advance in Thermal Proceses and Energy Transformation, Volume I, Nr. 4 (2018), p.78-82, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2018/01/04/0078

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Pages 83 - 86


Plant Simulation as a Tool for Simulations Energy Drawings of Machines


Jozef Husár, Angelina Iakovets


Proposed article points out the possibilities of using Plant Simulation software for analyzing machine energy consumption. The first part of research introduces the simulation tool Plant Simulation, which was a ground for modelling and optimization of production processes. The second part were shown the possibilities of simulating the effect of batch size on the total energy consumption of the production process.


Husár J., Iakovets A. : Plant Simulation as a Tool for Simulations Energy Drawings of Machines , Advance in Thermal Proceses and Energy Transformation, Volume I, Nr.4 (2018), p. 83-86, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2018/01/04/0083

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Pages 87 - 94


Increasing the Performance Characteristics of the Experimental Engine by Using the Adjustment of its Planting System and Burning Crew


Dušan Puškár, Michal Puškár, Ján Lumnitzer


: The task of all today's automotive designers and engineers is to design and manufacture a vehicle power unit that will be able to meet even the strictest criteria, particularly in the field of environmental and economy. At present, power plant manufacturers apply the philosophy of so- downsizing. It is a reduction in engine cylinder volume and number, with the aim of maintaining and even increasing the original power and torque of the engine. Such a goal can be achieved by optimizing the individual components of the combustion engine or by modifying its control system. Modification of the current vehicle control system consists of prepaid data of fuel and pre-ignition maps.


Puskar Dusan, et al.: Increasing the performance characteristics of the experimental engine by using the adjustment of its planting system and burning crew, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation Volume I, Nr.4,(2018), p. 87-94, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2018/01/04/0087

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