Volumes II.    Number  2    June 2019    Year 2019
Authors Title Pages
Elena A. Belyanovskaya, Grigoriy N. Pustovoy, Yana O. Sergiyenko, Kostyntyn M. Sukhyy, Oleksandr O. Yerоmin, Elena M. Prokopenko, Mikhailo V. Gubinskyi, Ján Kizek Performance of the Adsorptive Solar Refrigerators Based on Composite Adsobents ’Silica Gel – Sodium Sulphate’ 19-23
Marián Flimel Alternative Measurements of Heat Flow Density in Space 24-27
Gustáv Jablonský, Augustín Varga, Ladislav Lukáč, Ján Kizek, Marcel Pástor Proposal for Experimental Countercurrent Gas Generator 28-33
Michal Puškár, Dušan Puškár Analysis of Influence of the Atmospheric Conditions and Temperature Range in the Exhaust Pipe on the Output Engine Characteristics 34-42

Pages 19-23


Performance of the Adsorptive Solar Refrigerators Based on Composite Adsobents ’Silica Gel – Sodium Sulphate’


Elena A. Belyanovskaya, Grigoriy N. Pustovoy, Yana O. Sergiyenko, Kostyntyn M. Sukhyy, Oleksandr O. Yerоmin, Elena M. Prokopenko, Mikhailo V. Gubinskyi, Ján Kizek


The performance of adsorptive solar refrigerators based on composite adsorbents ‘silica gel - sodium sulphate’ is studied. An optimum composition of adsorbent ’silica gel – sodium sulphate’ is suggested to be of 20 % silica gel and 80 % sodium sulphate. The basic factors affected the net coefficient of energy performance of the adsorptive solar refrigerator were stated. Net coefficients of performance of solar adsorptive refrigerator based on composite ‘silica gel – sodium sulphate’ are stated to change from 0.25 to 0.34 during operating period. Utilization of the adsorption heat is suggested to warm the heat carrier which applied to heat adsorbent during regeneration.


Belyanovskaya, Elena A., et al.: Performance of the Adsorptive Solar Refrigerators Based on Composite Adsobents ’Silica Gel – Sodium Sulphate’, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 2, Nr. 2, (2019), p. 19-23, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2019/02/02/0019

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Pages 24-27


Alternative Measurements of Heat Flow Density in Space


Marián Flimel


The article is focused to alternative measurement of heat flow density in space. There is describe the construction of this equipment. The device will be used to determine heat loss through walls in buildings, pipework, cold stores, heat storage systems ( U value), further to calorimetry, measuring the thermal characteristics of substances and technical applications in which temperature difference is used as a control variable. The device allows measurements in situ conditions.


Flimel Marián: Alternative Measurements of Heat Flow Density in Space, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 2, No.2 (2019), pp. 24-27, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2019/02/02/0024

Full Text

Pages 28-33


Proposal for Experimental Countercurrent Gas Generator


Gustáv Jablonský, Augustín Varga, Ladislav Lukáč, Ján Kizek, Marcel Pástor


Article focuses on the description of the experimental gasification reactor design, those has been designed to solve the needs of the project VUKONZE. The characteristics of the low - power gasification generators show to problems with increased tar production, the relatively low calorific value of the gas produced as well as the supply and redistribution of the gasification air. The paper points out the differentiation of the area thermal load of the reactor in comparison with the general parameters for this kind of reactors. An integral part of the design of the reactor is also the location of the fuel charging point and the way of its realization.


Jablonský Gabriel et al.: Proposal for Experimental Countercurrent Gas Generator, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation Volume 2, Nr.2 (2019), p. 28-33, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2019/02/02/0028

Full Text

Pages 34-42


Analysis of Influence of the Atmospheric Conditions and Temperature Range in the Exhaust Pipe on the Output Engine Characteristics


Michal Puškár, Dušan Puškár


The piston combustion engine, which is working on the HCCI technology principle, is very sensitive to changes of the external atmospheric conditions. These changes are immediately influencing the engine power characteristics. At best only they effect decreasing of the maximum engine power. However, in a more difficult situation, there is the possibility of excessive detonation combustion process during certain changes in atmospheric conditions. The exhaust system temperature significantly affects the maximum output power and the combustion engine characteristics. With increasing temperature of combustion products in the exhaust system there is an overall reduction in maximum power and its transfer to a higher engine speed because of the length of an exhaust manifold is theoretically shorten. Therefore, to achieve the maximum values of output parameters, it is necessary to ensure an optimal temperature value of the combustion products in the exhaust system. This article also provides optimal temperature range of working temperature as well as it presents a theoretical analysis of the impact for atmospheric conditions in this interval. Based on theoretical results there has been developed a measuring method, which allows to regulate the input amount of the fuel mixture supplied to a cylinder during change in atmospheric conditions and its functionality was experimentally verified.


Puškár Michal, Puškár Dušan: Analysis of Influence of the Atmospheric Conditions and Temperature Range in the Exhaust Pipe on the Output Engine Characteristics, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 2, No.2 (2019), p. 34-42, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2019/02/02/0034

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