Volumes II.    Number  3    October 2019    Year 2019
Authors Title Pages
Dávid Hečko, Milan Malcho, Pavol Mičko, Peter Durčanský Conditions Characterizing Hydrate Formation 43-47
Pavol Mičko, Andrej Kapjor, Dávid Hečko, Marián Pafčuga Thermal Comfort Measurement for Wet Floor Cooling System 48-51
Iveta Pandová Secondary Ways of Nitrogen Oxides Reduction 52-56
Marcel Pástor, Ladislav Lukáč, Gustáv Jablonský, Filip Furka Design of Equipment and Methodology for Secondary Tar Removal after Gasification in Low Heat Output Generators 57-60

Pages 43-47


Conditions Characterizing Hydrate Formation


Dávid Hečko, Milan Malcho, Pavol Mičko, Peter Durčanský


For countries with limited access to conventional hydrocarbon gases, methane hydrates appear to be a potential source of energy. Given the demands of the European Union to reduce the energy intensity of technological processes, it shows as a prospective accumulation of natural gas and biomethane in the form of hydrate structures and, if necessary, release them. Storing gas in such a form creates an energy-efficient interest in developing and innovating technology in this area. However, the question arises: "How artificially accumulate methane energy into synthetically generated hydrates and practically implement it when needed?" Finding her answer is a current challenge in processes and technologies where energy needs to be stored.


Hečko D. et al: Conditions Characterizing Hydrate Formation, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 2, No.3 (2019), pp. 43-47, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2019/02/03/0043

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Pages 48-51


Thermal Comfort Measurement for Wet Floor Cooling System


Pavol Mičko, Andrej Kapjor, Dávid Hečko, Marián Pafčuga


The trend of constant increase in energy prices can be observed especially on the increased demands on the thermal insulation properties of building structures of buildings. According to European Directive 2010/31 / EU, since 2019 only buildings that meet the energy standards of near zero buildings have to be designed. In practice, the design of the building takes into account, in particular, the shape of the building, its cladding, but also the method and technology for heating, cooling and hot water production. In the case of a family house is considered a specific annual consumption of heat for heating up to 20 kW.h.m-2 floor area. A popular way to achieve low heat consumption is to select an efficient heat source - a heat pump. It is best to combine a heat pump with a heating system with a low temperature gradient. The combination of heat pump and radiant floor heating is very popular. Modern heat pumps also come with the possibility of reversible operation and serve as a source of cold. The following article will therefore address floor radiant cooling and its effect on thermal comfort.


Mičko P., et.al: Thermal Comfort Measurement for Wet Floor Cooling System, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 2,No. 3 (2019), p. 48-51, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2019/02/03/0048

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Pages 52-56


Secondary Ways of Nitrogen Oxides Reduction


Iveta Pandová


Nitrogen oxides are combustion pollutants that play an important role in many atmospheric processes that affect climate change, ecosystem stability and population health. Their occurrence is highest in industrial and densely populated areas. Nitrogen oxides undergo chemical reactions in the atmosphere, leading to a greenhouse effect and global warming. The paper contains an overview of reactions in which nitrogen oxides are involved in atmosphere, as well as an overview of methods for nitrogen oxides emissions reducing into the environment.


Pandová Iveta: Secondary Ways of Nitrogen Oxides Reduction, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 2, Nr.3 (2019), p. 52-56, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2019/02/03/0052

Full Text

Pages 57-60


Design of Equipment and Methodology for Secondary Tar Removal after Gasification in Low Heat Output Generators


Marcel Pástor, Ladislav Lukáč, Gustáv Jablonský, Filip Furka


This paper described tar formation and its removal methods. There are analysed at the base on measurements realized on the department of heat engineering and gas industry by gasifying of wood pellet and wood chips for a gasification reactor. It is proposed a dry method to tar removing with the cascade configuration filtration cartridges.


Pástor M.,et. al: Design of Equipment and Metodology for Secondary Tar Removal after Gasification in Low Heat Output Generators, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 2, No.3 (2019), pp. 57-60, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2019/02/03/0057

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