Volumes I.    Number  3    October 2018    Year 2018
Authors Title Pages
Milan Abraham, Marcel Fedák, Andrii Kulikov, Jakub Váhovský Evaluation of Efficiency CHP Systems for Heat Production 51-54
Elena A. Belyanovskaya, Kostyantyn M. Sukhyy, Roman D. Lytovchenko,Mikhailo V. Gubinskyi, Elena M. Prokopenko, Oleksandr O. Yeromin Performance of Adsorptive Heat Energy Converters for Heat Supply Systems 55-60
Iveta Pandová Non Traditional Energy of Zeolites and Environmental Protection 61-64
Peter Turcsanyi, Anna Sedlakova Comparing Future Heating Demand of a Family House Using Different Insulation Materials 65-69
Jakub Váhovský, Milan Abraham Evaluation of District Heating Systems Status in Countries of Visegrad Group 70-73

Pages 51 - 54


Evaluation of Efficiency CHP Systems for Heat Production


Milan Abraham, Marcel Fedák, Andrii Kulikov, Jakub Váhovský


This paper analyses practical exploitation of cogeneration unit in heat production. The main idea of using combined heat and energy production is to reduce usage of primary fuels. By integration of renewable energy sources, reduced usage of traditional primary fuels and with regard to the natural environment reduction of pollutions. Presented work is analysis of CHP system producing heat and comparison to conventional systems.


Abraham M., et al: Evaluation of Efficiency CHP Systems for Heat Production, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation Volume1, Nr.3 (2018), p. 51-54, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2018/01/03/0051

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Pages 55 - 60


Performance of Adsorptive Heat Energy Converters for Heat Supply Systems


Elena A. Belyanovskaya, Kostyantyn M. Sukhyy, Roman D. Lytovchenko,Mikhailo V. Gubinskyi, Elena M. Prokopenko, Oleksandr O. Yeromin


This paper is devoted to performance of adsorptive heat energy converters for heat supply systems. The following calculation procedure of operating characteristics of an adsorption heat energy storage device for a decentralized space heating system is suggested: calculation of the mass transfer coefficient, adsorption amount, useful heat of adsorption, determination of the heat input, it being calculated as heat inputs for heating the adsorbent, device housing, water in the tank, evaporation of water in the tank, heating of the adsorbed water and desorption. Then coefficient of efficiency is calculated. The optimal operating conditions of the heat accumulating device which allow to operate with maximal efficiency coefficients 53 – 57 % are stated to be vapor-air flow rate 0.6 - 0.8 m/s and relative humidity of 40 – 60 %. Correlation between efficiency coefficients deduced from experiments and calculated with suggested algorithm is confirmed by the results of field trials.


Belyanovskaya Elena A.,et al: Performance of Adsorptive Heat Energy Converters for Heat Supply Systems, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation Volume 1,Nr.3 (2018), p. 55-60, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2018/01/03/0055

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Pages 61 - 64


Non Traditional Energy of Zeolites and Environmental Protection


Iveta Pandová


Sorption as a separation method is becoming an important method in progressive production developing of green energy and of intelligent products of the new generation. It is also important for the treatment of drinking and waste water. The gradual development and improvement of sorbent preparation technology progressively enhances their quality, in sorption capacity, specific surface, abrasion resistance, regenerative capacity or selectivity in relation to certain types of contaminants. Among the most important usable sorbents are also the zeolites , which are also used for the water purification. The article contains the results of measurements and monitored parameters of ferric cations sorption from the aquatic environment using natural zeolite clinoptilolite.


Pandová Iveta: Non Traditional Energy of Zeolites and Environmental Protection, Advance in Thermal Proceses and Energy Transformation, Volume I, Nr.3 (2018), p. 61-64, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2018/01/03/0061

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Pages 65 - 69


Comparing Future Heating Demand of a Family House Using Different Insulation Materials


Peter Turcsanyi, Anna Sedlakova


Computer programs allowing determining accuracy of building design in advance, or its parts, from the thermal engineering point of view are on the rise. Finding the most suitable project design for optimizing future energy performance of building significantly contributes to implementation of European Directive on Energy performance of buildings 2010/31/EU in Slovakia. Using simulation software, DesignBulder in this case, became a very useful tool on the road to energy effective design. In this paper, we have placed a virtual family house (which will be built in Kosice, Slovakia) to the simulation software DesignBuilder and were finding out the most suitable design in case of future heating demand. Family house was designed taking in account architectural, environmental and constructional requirements of today´s directives focusing on energy performance and energy efficiency. Results of this project are displayed in numbers as well as in graphic figures. Our goal was to find out the difference between two different types of envelope wall insulation.


Turcsanyi P., Sedlaková A.: Comparing Future Heating Demand of a Family House Using Different Insulation Materials, Advance in Thermal Proceses and Energy Transformation, Volume I, Nr.3 (2018), p. 65-69, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2018/01/03/0065

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Pages 70 - 73


Evaluation of District Heating Systems Status in Countries of Visegrad Group


Jakub Váhovský, Milan Abraham


In the Visegrad group countries is district heating system the dominant wa of production and distribution of heat in residential sector.The European Union is currently suporting the development of district heating systems and the use of more renewable sources in heat production. The article describes the current status of distring heating in the Visegrad group countries.


Váhovský Jakub, Abraham Milan: Evaluation of District Heating Systems Status in Countries of Vysegrad Group, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume1, Nr.3 (2018), pp. 70-73, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2018/01/03/0070

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