Volumes III.    Number  3    October 2020    Year 2020
Authors Title Pages
Marián Hocko Transformation of an Aviation Turboshaft Engine into a Gas Turbine Experimental Facilities for Laboratory Testing 58-64
Ján Sarvaš, Michal Zubko, Daniela Hrbková, Tomáš Vaško, Janka Mihalčová The Aspects of Research and Education Activities in the Field of Renewable Energy Carriers 65-70
Kamil Sikora Analysis of Resistance of Clad Composite of Structural Steel and Tombac to Stress at Elevated Temperature 71-74
Dominik Štrba, Peter Mlynár, Michal Masaryk, Georgios Manganos Design of the Minimal Length Nozzle for Ejector Cooling System by Using Method of Characteristics 75-80

Pages 58-64


Transformation of an Aviation Turboshaft Engine into a Gas Turbine Experimental Facilities for Laboratory Testing


Marián Hocko


The article deals with the use of a small aviation turboshaft engine for laboratory purposes. This study describes its transformation into an experimental device for research and education. Various constructional, technological and controlling modifications and settings of the gas turbine test stand were carried out and tested on a stationary configuration. The stationary system can be used as a small backup power generator or as a drive unit for a compressor, pump, etc. The laboratory equipment can also be used for research into biofuels (fatty acid methyl esters and bioethanol) for use in aviation and energetics. New control systems, electronic elements and methods of measuring rotations, pressure and temperature are tested for educational and research purposes. The study includes a schematic description of modelling measurements and subsequent numerical evaluation of the thermodynamic characteristics of the cycle in an experimental gas turbine. The laboratory device presented here is, thanks to technological, material and thermodynamic research, suitable for educating and testing the knowledge of future aviation and mechanical engineers.


Hocko Marián: Transformation of an Aviation Turboshaft Engine into a Gas Turbine Experimental Facilities for Laboratory Testing, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 3, No. 3, (2020), p. 58-64, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2020/03/03/0058

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Pages 65-70


The Aspects of Research and Education Activities in the Field of Renewable Energy Carriers


Ján Sarvaš, Michal Zubko, Daniela Hrbková, Tomáš Vaško, Janka Mihalčová


Energy politics of Slovakia is focused on sustainable economic growth and competitiveness by the means of sustainable Slovak energetics. The increase share of renewable energy carriers in the production of electricity and heat leads to a reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels and that consequently contributes to the reduction of pollutants and greenhouse gases. The existing regional potentials in the field of electricity and heat production are in the form of renewable energy carriers and the largest contributor is biomass. The development of the use of alternative energy sources aro uses a need for researchand development as well as new qualified professionals. The support from the European Union has enabled to build a work space that combines research and development activities with the processes of education and training and therefore is creating the conditions for the training of the professionals and the promotion of ideas in the field of renewable energy carriers.


Sarvaš Ján, Zubko Michal, Hrbková Daniela, Vaško Tomáš, Mihalčová Janka: The Aspects of Research and Education Activities in the Field of Renewable Energy Carriers, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 3, No.3, (2020), p. 65-70, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2020/03/03/0065

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Pages 71-74


Analysis of Resistance of Clad Composite of Structural Steel and Tombac to Stress at Elevated Temperature


Kamil Sikora


Technological operations, where the temperature gradient significantly affects the thermal expansion of the material, require care in the choice of thermal stress with respect to the material used. A high temperature gradient can result in an increase in thermal stresses, which can result in plastic deformation of the material or even its failure. Clad materials are generally very sensitive to thermal stress. Especially if it is a composite material composed of layers with very different coefficients of thermal conductivity and thermal expansion, in our case structural steel and tombac. The aim of this study is to use the finite element method to simulate the maximum allowable thermal stress of a rolled clad composite composed of layers of tombac (CuZn90/10) and a core of structural steel S235JR + N, when there is no plastic deformation.


Sikora Kamil: Analysis of Resistance of Clad Composite of Structural Steel and Tombac to Stress at Elevated Temperature, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 3, No.3 (2020), pp. 71-74, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2020/03/03/0071

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Pages 75-80


Design of the Minimal Length Nozzle for Ejector Cooling System by Using Method of Characteristics


Dominik Štrba, Peter Mlynár, Michal Masaryk, Georgios Manganos


In this paper will be presented design of the minimal length nozzle (MLN) used for ejector cooling system (ECS). Working fluid in this circuit is water (steam). Correct and precious design of the nozzle is crucial for the right operation of the ECS system. For design of MLN was used method of characteristics (MOC), which was explained in the article. In the end there was shown program made for calculation of the MLN in Graphical User Interface (GUI) of open source program Scilab.


Štrba Dominik, Mlynár Peter, Masaryk Michal, Manganos Georgios: Design of the Minimal Length Nozzle for Ejector Cooling System by Using Method of Characteristics, Advance in Thermal Processes and Energy Transformation, Volume 3, No.3, (2020), p. 75-80, ISSN 2585-9102. https://doi.org/10.54570/atpet2020/03/03/0075

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